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This is where all of you come in!  If there is a pet rescue you love and believe is deserving of this package, please nominate them using the form linked below.  With so many deserving rescues awarding only one is an almost impossible task, but if things go as hoped, we will be making this an annual event.  We will be announcing the award on Valentine's Day, so please submit your nominations by February 12th!!!!


To make this as fair as possible, we will be randomly drawing one rescue from those nominated, but the more nominations for a rescue, the better the chances that rescue wins!!! Think about it like buying raffle tickets...the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have to win, but this time, you don't have to buy a thing; you just need everyone you know to nominate your rescue, so encourage your friends, cohorts, adopters, you name it, to also nominate....So thank you, for your compassion, diligence, amazingly hard work, and your generosity — this award pales in comparison to what you give, but we at least hope to make your work a little easier.  We can’t wait to see what rescue we get to celebrate!



The Paws-to-Share Team:  Jaime, Peter, Sara and Shari

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